CDA Resource Training
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Learn all of the components required to complete the CDA credential Assessment process from collecting and documenting your training hours, to applying to the Council for Professional Recognition, to completing the verification visit and exam. This training series includes Three (1) hour sessions to help you feel comfortable and confident in attaining your CDA. MiRegistry Training Hours Available.
FREE training- no registration fee
Part 1- Identifying and Classifying Professional Development: Learn the CDA credentialing process, how to prepare for earning the credential, training and education requirements, and CDA Subject Areas. Gain an understanding of how to identify and classify your existing or upcoming trainings and credit hours to meet the training and education requirement for earning a CDA credential.
Part 2- Creating Your Competency Standard & Philosophy Statements: Learn how to write a competency statement that reflects on your teaching practices in the six CDA standards required by the Council for Professional Recognition as well as a philosophy statement that speaks to who you are, what you've learned, and how you're going to apply what you've learned.
Part 3- Preparing for the Verification Visit: Gain an understanding of the verification visit process required for earning your CDA, instructions on how to select a PD Specialist for the visit, and see examples of what a visit will look and feel like.
View the 3 webinars, review the handout materials, take a 10 question practice CDA Exam, then complete the training quiz to receive 3 MiRegistry Training Hours.