Leadership Learning Community


The Leadership Learning Community is comprised of practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, consultants and emerging leaders in the early childhood field. By engaging in peer-to-peer learning, we can learn and support each other, and support the growth and development of new and existing leadership in ECE. This Learning Community will provide a forum for open discussion, topical questions and resource sharing.
To engage in this learning community, register, then navigate to the Discussion Forums and Trainings tab. There you can engage in the discussion forum questions as well as view and attend live and pre-recorded trainings and webinars. Connect with other members of this community directly in the Members tab and download resources in the Resource tab. 
This learning community is facilitated by Michelle Burkhard, Owner of Grow By 1. The facilitator posts forum discussions, shares trainings and resources, and moderates discussions. Participants are encouraged to share resources in addition to what is provided by the facilitator.

Discussion forums are moderated. Michigan AEYC is committed to ensuring that all learners have access the opportunity to learn and engage in a safe, supportive learning environment. Harassment or discrimination of any nature will not be tolerated in open forums.

IMPORTANT! In order to send and receive messages and engage as a member of this community, you'll need to adjust your profile settings. Navigate to your PROFILE in the welcome sidebar. Click on Messaging Settings. Change your settings to a setting that allows admins and registered colleagues (and contacts if you choose) to message you. Any individual messages you receive or send will appear in the My Messages area from the drop down menu under your name. 

Michelle Burkhard


Grow By 1

Dr. Michelle Burkhard is the Owner of Grow By 1 and she is a CoachDoctor. She uses her extensive background in the education field to helpeducational coaches transform their leadership, relationship, and emotionalpain into a servant for themselves and others. She is also a certifiedtransformation consultant and helps individuals, groups, and systems throughthe change process. She is on a mission to help change the face of education toone of individualized empowerment and respect, at all levels.

She is a highly requested speaker and trainerin 7 different time zones and recently celebrated episode #1,000 of her podcastChange Your Thinking, Change Your Life! When not studying or serving others,she enjoys actively engaging at home with her three teenagers, Josiah, Hannah,and Eliana.

IMPORTANT! In order to send and receive messages and engage as a member of this community, you'll need to adjust your profile settings. Navigate to your PROFILE in the welcome sidebar. Click on Messaging Settings. Change your settings to a setting that allows admins and registered colleagues (and contacts if you choose) to message you. Any individual messages you receive or send will appear in the My Messages area from the drop down menu under your name. 

Watch how to change your privacy settings here.

Components visible upon registration.